It is desirable that all the connectors be at the very bottom of the svg in group schematic like this LayerId should be breadboard (not breadboardbreadboard which is specific to breadboards and may trigger unexpected code) As I said this is the only oblong pad that I know of that works in Fritzing (at least and drills holes in gerber output.) I’ll look over your changes now. As a bonus, changing the radius of the circle will change the hole size (at least in Inkscape) easily without having to recalculate the path to change the size of the circle. In this case there are the paths (46 of them) then 46 circles (which are the connectors) which over lay the paths. Every thing I have tried with oblong paths with holes in them doesn’t drill the holes in gerber processing. You can make a circle as a path, and gerber will drill a hole. So far as I know you can’t make oblong pins as a single path. And, In pcb, I don’t understand why there is no hole on pins…? Is it ok?